IPL Photofacial

Dissolve Age Spots and Discoloration for Flawless Results.

What is an IPL Photofacial?

IPL with Lumecca

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy, also called a photofacial, can improve the color and texture of your skin without the need for invasive surgery. Skin discoloration due to sun exposure for long periods of time can manifest brown spots that appear along the face, chest, hands and other parts of the body. Lumecca IPL can rid skin of these blemishes and can also help minimize vessels and rosacea by using photothermolysis, which delivers the photofacial through dynamic light treatment.

With our advanced Lumecca services, you have the option to reduce age spots, sun damage, vessels and rosacea and can expect superior clearance in 1-3 treatments compared to the standard 4-6 treatments with a traditional IPL. Whether your areas of concern are brown or red, our IPL can exceed your expectations in getting the clearance you desire.

Lumecca by InMode FAQs

  • In just 1-3 sessions Lumecca improves the appearance of:

    •age spots (red/brown pigmentations)
    •vascular lesions such as facial telangiectasias (spider veins) and poikiloderma
    •rosacea (redness)
    •sun damage

  • During treatment there will be a bright flash of light from the Lumecca that feels like a light elastic sensation. Redness and a slight warming of the skin are normal after treatment and usually subsides within an hour. Over the next 24-48 hours you may see a darkening of pigmented spots; in the week afterwards, the pigmented lesions flake off, leading to an evening out of skin tone. After treating vascular lesions, you may see the vein blanch and disappear or a color change in the vessel which dissipates after a few days.

  • An improved skin appearance can be noted after the first session. Multiple sessions provide even better results. Treatment regime depends on the severity of skin damage, skin type, type of treatment (vascular vs sun damage) and energy settings.

  • Sun damage and skin complexion results can be seen a few days after the first session. The skin will continue to look younger and more brilliant over time with most visible results after 1-2 weeks. Having multiple photo facial sessions will improve the final result. For vascular treatments such as facial telangiectasias, results can be seen in up to 2 weeks.

  • Most patients do not experience any side effects and any skin reaction usually resolves within a few hours. Patients may find they are sensitive to sunlight immediately after treatment. It is recommended to avoid direct sunlight and tanning.

  • The Lumecca IPL can be used anywhere on the body, however, the most commonly treated areas are the face, neck, chest, arms, shoulders and hands. It is best used on individuals who have hyperpigmentation or sunspots that tend to be olive or brown tones that are either caused by sun exposure/damage, hormonal issues or scars.

  • During your treatment there will be bright flashes of light from the device that produces a sensation similar to a rubber band snap against your skin. Redness, tenderness and slight swelling is to be expected after the treatment, however, it usually subsides within a few hours. Numbing can be applied to the treatment area if needed. Most patients find the treatment tolerable.

  • With the Lumecca 8 treatment, it is extremely important to avoid sun exposure to the area treated for at least 1 month prior or after the treatment. It is crucial to make sure SPF is worn and reapplied if you have to be outside for a period of time. It is also important to plan your treatments around any vacations or major events.

Lumecca Pre-Care

  • Avoid sun exposure 30 days prior to treatment.

  • Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 30 or higher.

  • Do not apply self-tanners or spray tans for 3 to 4 weeks before treatment.

  • Avoid the use of any retinol, retinol products, salicylic products, or exfoliation products 30 days prior to treatment.

  • Notify the provider if you have any cosmetic tattooing on or near the area to be treated.

  • If possible, please come to your appointment with the treatment area clean and without any make-up or cosmetic products.

  • Avoid treatment is pregnant or nursing.

Lumecca Post-Care

  • A mild sunburn-like sensation is expected. This usually lasts 2-24 hours but can persist up to 72 or more.

  • Mild swelling and/or redness may be seen on the treatment site, but usually resolves in 2-3 days. Over-the-counter 100% aloe-vera gel may ease redness or inflammation.

  • Your brown and red spots will get darker for the first several days (up to 7) and then start to crust off. This is normal and desired.

  • Minor crusting, peppering, and peeling of the skin is a common side effects of this treatment. DO NOT pick at the treated areas, instead allow the peppering to shed naturally. In rare cases, blistering may occur.

  • Apply a cold compress or cold pack to the treated area for 10-15 minutes every hour for the next few hours, only if needed (i.e very warm or painful like sunburn).

  • Keep the area clean. Wash gently and avoid the use of exfoliants, scrub brushes, and loofah sponges until the sensitivity of the treated area is returned to normal and peppering has resolved.

  • Avoid sun exposure, including sunlamps and tanning beds 30 days after treatment.

  • Use a broad spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher, reapply as directed.


 Schedule Lumecca by InMode today