Say Goodbye to Unwanted Hair and Hello to Silky Smooth Skin.

Laser hair removal offers a lasting solution to unwanted hair, providing the freedom to enjoy smooth, hair-free skin. Embrace the confidence of a hassle-free grooming routine and the luxury of long-lasting results, tailored to your unique needs.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Hassle-Free Grooming and long-lasting results.

  • Improved skin texture: Laser hair removal can lead to smoother skin in treated areas and can be used on various body parts, from the face to the legs.

  • Less Daily Discomfort: Compared to waxing or shaving, laser hair removal is generally less painful and can help reduce the occurrence of ingrown hairs, a common issue with traditional hair removal methods. Gentler on the skin than daily shaving or waxing, this service can benefit those with sensitive skin and is suitable for various skin types.

  • Precision and Speed: Laser technology can target specific areas, leaving surrounding skin undamaged and is a relatively quick procedure, with each laser pulse treating multiple hairs at once.

  • Time Saving and cost efficient: Over time, you’ll spend less time on hair removal, as regrowth becomes finer and less frequent. Although it may seem costly upfront, it can be more economical than constant waxing or shaving.

  • Long-lasting results: Laser hair removal can provide long-term hair reduction, with some people experiencing permanent hair loss.

Individual results may vary. Multiple sessions may be needed for the best outcomes.

Must wait 3-4 weeks between treating the same area.

Treat all the Unwanted Hair your Heart Desires.

Laser Hair Removal with Diolaze XL

Diolaze XL by InMode is one of the most effective hair removal options because it combines efficient penetration to the follicle over a large surface area. This means that clients can achieve permanent hair reduction while going through shorter, more comfortable treatment sessions. Clients wanting to treat a large area can expect about a 15-20 minute treatment session verse 45+ minutes with competitor devices. Client safety, comfort and speed are the cornerstones of Diolaze XL hair removal. 

How does Diolaze XL work?

During the treatment, a diode laser beam targets the hair follicles and the penetrating energy heats up the root of the hair, which prevents future hair growth.

Laser hair removal is a safe and effective method to achieve long-term hair reduction.

Say goodbye to constant shaving and waxing with this innovative treatment, providing smooth, hair-free skin. Discover the convenience and lasting results of laser hair removal tailored to your specific needs at Dream Medpsa.

Laser Hair Removal

the Luxury of a hassle-free grooming routinE.

Unlimited Laser Hair Removal: Head-to-Toe | $299.00 *Subscribe and save!

One-time session including unlimited areas for the entire body.*

Laser Hair Removal: Three Small Areas | $149.00 *Subscribe and save!

One-time session including three small areas.* Includes areas: Upper Lip, Under Arm, Bikini Line, Happy Trail, Chin, Hands, Sideburns, Feet, Cheeks. If it is not on this list, the requested area is automatically placed into the large area group.

Laser Hair Removal: One Large Area | $89.00

Includes areas: Brazilian (female, male), Full Leg, Belly, Full Back, Full Arm, Chest

Laser Hair Removal: One Small Area | $49.00

Includes areas: Upper Lip, Under Arm, Bikini Line, Happy Trail, Chin, Hands, Sideburns, Feet, Cheeks

Numbing for Laser Hair Removal | $20.00

*Subscribe and Save!

Unlimited Laser Hair Removal: Head-to-Toe | $189.00/month

Unlimited areas for the entire body.

We offer unlimited laser hair removal on a monthly subscription. This subscription includes head-to-toe unlimited laser hair removal. This requires a minimum of three months subscription and then can be cancelled at any time after that! Visit our package offerings for more details.

Laser Hair Removal: Three Small Areas | $109.00/month

This subscription includes one monthly visit on three small areas for laser hair removal. Includes areas: Upper Lip, Under Arm, Bikini Line, Happy Trail, Chin, Hands, Sideburns, Feet, Cheeks. If it is not on this list, the requested area is automatically placed into the large area group. This requires a minimum of three months subscription and then can be cancelled at any time after that! Visit our package offerings for more details.

Before & After with

Diolaze XL

Laser Hair Removal FAQs

  • Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that uses concentrated beams of light to remove unwanted hair by targeting the hair follicles.

  • The laser emits a light that's absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair follicles, damaging them to inhibit future hair growth without affecting the surrounding skin.

  • During laser treatment, a diode laser beam passes through the skin towards hair follicles. The penetrating energy then heats up the root of the hair, which in turn prevents future hair growth.

  • Most people describe the sensation as a slight discomfort or snapping feeling, often compared to a rubber band snapping against the skin. Many lasers now incorporate cooling systems to minimize discomfort. DiolazeXL has a built-in skin cooling surface which is one of the largest for all hair removal devices. This makes treatment more comfortable than other devices, with most patients noting that DiolazeXL is virtually painless.

  • As with all laser hair removal methods, DiolazeXL requires a series of treatments. Laser hair removal works best when hair follicles are in their mature stage; however, at any given time your hair is in various stages of growth.

  • Hair is reduced with each treatment and results are observed after four to six sessions. Multiple sessions are usually needed for optimal results. The exact number varies based on skin color, hair color, and the targeted treatment area.

  • DiolazeXL can be safely used on most areas of the body that have unwanted hair. Most commonly treated areas include: bikini, legs, arms, chest, back, shoulders, stomach, neck, chin and sideburns.

  • Laser hair removal can offer long-lasting reduction, but it's considered hair reduction rather than permanent removal. Some hair regrowth may occur over time, typically finer and lighter.

  • Laser hair removal can be used on various body areas, including the legs, underarms, bikini area, face, back, chest, and more.

  • Advances in technology have made laser hair removal safer for a variety of skin tones. However, it's essential to consult with a skilled professional experienced in treating diverse skin types.

  • It's essential to avoid sun exposure and tanning beds before treatment, as well as avoid plucking or waxing the treatment area for several weeks.

  • Common side effects include temporary redness, swelling, and mild discomfort in the treated area, which typically subside within a few hours to days.

  • Patients usually notice a reduction in hair growth after each session, with smoother skin and a decrease in the density of hair in the treated area.

Laser Hair Removal Pre-Care

  • Avoid laser hair removal if pregnant or nursing

  • Shave the area to be treated with laser 1-2 days prior to your appointment. You can shave as often as desired between laser treatments.

  • Discontinue waxing, tweezing, threading, depilatories and electrolysis for at least 3 weeks prior to your treatment and throughout treatment.

  • Stop retinoids 2 weeks prior to your treatment unless otherwise advised.

  • Avoid applying makeup on the day of treatment if getting laser hair removal on the face.

  • Avoid tanning prior to your treatment. Any patient with a significant tan or sunburn may be rescheduled due to the sensitivity of the procedure to altered skin color and for the sake of your own safety.

  • If you have a history of cold sores, please let the provider know.

  • Caution is advised to persons with a history of herpes in the treatment area. Those who carry the herpes virus and receive laser treatment on their upper lip, chin, or lower cheeks may have a “flare-up” of their condition. The risk of this complication can be reduced if you take prescribed antiviral medication in the office on the day of your treatment, which we can provide to you. If you have an active herpes outbreak, your appointment will have to be rescheduled.

Laser Hair Removal Post-Care

  • The treatment area is very delicate and should be treated gently. It is common to experience slight swelling and redness at the treatment site.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure to treated areas for at least one-week post-treatment and all signs of redness and irritation have subsided. Always wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 daily, and reapply as directed.

  • Avoid trauma to the treatment area such as scratching, picking, or rubbing.

  • Avoid pools, hot tubs, jacuzzis, saunas, and steam rooms for 3 days.

  • Avoid any deep exfoliation treatments or creams containing a chemical exfoliator for 2 weeks pre and post-treatment such as microdermabrasion, retinoids, or glycolic acid.

  • You may apply cold compresses or ice packs to the treated area to ease discomfort.


 Schedule Laser Hair Removal today