Morpheus8 Treatment Protocol in our Denver Medspa

The Morpheus8 treatment protocol can vary based on individual needs, skin conditions, and the specific areas being treated. It's crucial to schedule a consultation with one of our practitioners in our medspa to determine the most suitable treatment plan for your unique circumstances. However, here is a general overview of what a Morpheus8 treatment protocol might involve:

Initial Consultation:

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  1. Assessment:

    • A thorough assessment of your skin type, concerns, and treatment goals will be conducted by a qualified practitioner.

  2. Medical History:

    • Provide information about your medical history, including any previous treatments, allergies, or medications.

Customized Treatment Plan:

  1. Target Areas:

    • Identify the specific areas of the face or body that you want to target with Morpheus8.

  2. Treatment Intensity:

    • Determine the appropriate intensity of the treatment based on your skin condition and goals.

Pre-Treatment Preparation:

  1. Skin Preparation:

    • Depending on your skin type and condition, you may be advised to use certain skincare products or avoid others leading up to the treatment.

  2. Anesthetic Cream:

    • an anesthetic cream may be applied to minimize discomfort during the procedure for up to 60 minutes with occluding the cream and massaging the cream into the tissue.

Morpheus8 Treatment Session:

  1. Procedure Duration:

    • The actual Morpheus8 treatment session typically takes around 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the areas being treated.

  2. Microneedling and Radiofrequency:

    • The Morpheus8 device combines microneedling and radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin.

Post-Treatment Care:

  1. Downtime:

    • Morpheus8 is known for minimal downtime. However, there might be some redness and swelling immediately after the treatment.

  2. Skincare Recommendations:

    • We may recommend specific skincare products to support the healing process and optimize results. We utilize skinmedica products in our practice.

  3. Avoidance of Sun Exposure:

    • It's typically advised to avoid direct sun exposure and use sunscreen to protect the treated areas.

Follow-Up Sessions:

  1. Number of Sessions:

    • The number of recommended sessions can vary but is often between 1 to 3 sessions spaced a few weeks apart.

  2. Assessment of Results:

    • Assess the results after each session to determine if additional treatments are needed to achieve the desired outcome.

Long-Term Maintenance:

  1. Maintenance Sessions:

    • Periodic maintenance sessions are recommended every 1 to 3 years to sustain the results over time.

  2. Skincare Regimen:

    • Follow a personalized skincare regimen to maintain skin health and address any specific concerns.

It's essential to note that the above steps are general guidelines, and the actual treatment plan may vary based on individual factors. Always consult with a qualified practitioner to ensure a safe and effective Morpheus8 experience tailored to your unique needs.

Schedule your consultation here


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